Friday, 12 September 2014


Hi its fl here with games for android, and other devices with top games /popular ..

1.  (With over 1 million  downlands) minion rush after the 2 movies ever made thr the game is worldwide and loved...

2.  Angry birds Stella angry birds have loads of downlads and games well angry birds stella well new but the much downlads its alot., and if u like angry birds well u can get all the games angry birds go!!, angry birds epic (last made),angry birds star wars, etc...

3.  Kim kardashian hollwood in my own words the game is ok and really popular right now this very minute..and now there's a new update... the game your kim kardashian s friend and u become famous get  rich, get more fans and fame.

4. Clash of clans  I dont know why but but it seems really popular by the amount of comments and downlads.. the game is you build your own city anf another army are fighting with ur army to break down ur city and u have to protect it by bulding maybe thick walls all around it..

5. Dont touch the white tiles  is a realky good game I've played it before but its really addictive cause of that I forced myself to uninstall it but that's not the same as getting it ..

6.  Ice  Age Adventures save the animals and bring them back to the village and even better there's a new update!!

7. Ice age village  after all fof movies this game got loads of downloads

8. Temple run  1  is now like 1 and half years yes and I heard that it will still be a good too game

9. Temple  run 2 new challenges and characters

10. Dress up and  make up games

Well thats all with games and now u can grab out ur devices and downlads som of this if u like well thats all with fl I could have done more but my fungers and eyes are sore thinking of games and plotting them down l8trs from fl..

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