Thursday, 4 December 2014


Hi it's D and I'm just here to talk about racism.
I just need to talk about how I feel about it because in the world today, it still goes on. Don't believe me? Okayy, looks like we've got to go back to history! Hold on tight!



  The original Ku Klux Klan was first started in Pulaski, Tennessee after the end of the American Civil War on December 24, 1865 by General Nathan Bedford Forrest and other Confederate veterans. The new group's goal was to stop  voting rights for Black people. Really, really really terrible things like burning down black peoples homes. The KKK tried to scare people by burning crosses or by threatening them. If people did not react, the Klan sometimes killed them. The growing violence which was promoted by the KKK led to many lynchings (giving a person an unfair trial and killing them, often by hanging by the neck). The KKK was "prohibited" (made against the law) in 1871. After 1871, many KKK members were imprisoned (put in jail) In 1915, William J. Simmons started the Ku Klux Klan for a second time. Most of the rituals and traditions of the “old” Ku Klux Klan were kept. Any white Protestant man could join the KKK. The KKK still attacked African Americans, but they also attacked Jews and Catholics this time. In 1920, growing economic problems caused the Klan to get much bigger. The KKK strongly argued for “white supremacy” again and again. “White supremacy” says that people who are white (from European origins) are better than other racial groups. The Klan killed many blacks. These were not legal executions because there were no trials. Many sources now think these acts were a kind of terrorism, because the KKK used fear to control African Americans and take away their human rights. In the middle of the 20’s the Klan got smaller due to bad leaders and so much violence. After the Second World War, the Klan closed again because it owed more money than it could pay.

 still not enough? okay lets go deeper.....


 In South Africa, things were going downnn!!  Apartheid (say A-PART-HITE) forced white and non-white people to live in separate areas. Non-white people meant black people, people from Asia and people of mixed race. A white person and a black person could not marry. Black people and white people could not share a table in a restaurant, or sit together on a bus. Black children and white children went to different schools. Sports teams were all-white or all-black, never mixed. Nelson Mandela fought for the rights of black people. But its not the end! Not by a long shot....


Racism, still goes on. It is said that the Ku Klux Klan have about 5,000 Members (don't worry about it! There not strong enough to do anything!) . Not just for blacks but even for other races. Sometimes, I don't even know what to say. When will people learn to accept each other? We all have hearts, kidneys, bones, eyes, noses, mouths. Why should the colour of our skin decide anything? We are ALL equal - each and EVERY one of us. We all have feelings. People need to calm down.  If we all learn to join together, we can achieve different things. Why look on the outside when you see the colour of skin, look on the inside where the personality is. We humans are only here for a short while, so why waste our time being racist?!?

By: D 

(c) kidz fun page, 2014 

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