Saturday, 30 August 2014

X factor 2014

X factor 2014 has started well the auditions have !!! And judges Simon Cowell, Mel B, Louie Walsh and Cheryl Cole
Well we will show some auditions
That's all from fl and fi

Monday, 25 August 2014

Boys and girls

Hi its fl: Boys and girls are well different cause they like different thing
Boys like sport some dont some gkrls are interested in sport
Not all girls like fashion I know I kinda depends what look
Well we would will be back with more hiw would sort this??

Got to dance auditions are over

Sorry we didn't get to play got to dance on the blog but news the auditions are over

Saturday, 23 August 2014

It's School's Fault!

Hey, guys! We should be so angry at school right now, do you know why? Cuz we're going to be doing less bloggin' cuz of school, but we'll try to squeeze in a lil' bit of bloggin' not just for you guys but, bloggin' is our life!

Thursday, 21 August 2014


The past is over now cause its almost the ending of the month
From fl

Might,never yes or no

This a little thing for u decide u either say this would happen or not k
But theres ten if them (10)
1. You'll marry at the age 20
2. Your 2 years old right now
3. You'll tutn into a pig
4. You will be  in school soon
5.U will fall down in 5 minutes
6.You might get sick
7. Ull have 8 children when you grow up
8. Become rich$''$$
9. ULL be turning green TODAY sharp 21:00
10. Become( nothing)
One thing theese might or may be true the point uts a bit of fun k..Thanks so much if u tried this. .


School is back on so we can learn
Catching up with all the with all the work
Holidays are now over
Ohh-ohh why now
On time
Little bit late I guess..


Hi its FL here:The day has come within in 6 days were doing as many blogging as possible and soon cause DUNN DUN DUN!!! Schools on the way and it's going to  be hard u know mixing school work and our own blog together but as I said we'll be still blogging u know but not as much I wanted to let u know that its been a pleasure seeing all our visitors and views but its not over ...
thnx from FL<3

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Spiders Hate Singing!

So, most people don't really like Spiders. So, let me share with you, the funniest way to get rid of Spiders - without killing them!

Andrew Wilcox posted this video on YouTube and wrote: ‘I am the spider remover. Whenever my sisters see a spider in the house or near the entry, they freak out and call me to get rid of it.
‘I don’t like to kill spiders so I usually remove them to another area. My oldest sister doesn’t like to kill spiders either so she found a way to “get back at the spider” without doing it any harm.
‘She sings at them in an opera voice and they freak out!
‘She told me about the spider’s reactions and I decided to give it a try and I laughed so hard I had to share. Hope you guys enjoy!’

Monday, 18 August 2014

I'm chatting to Santa! With D!

Hi guys! I just found this really cool website that lets you TALK to Santa :D
So, the website is called
Lets Start!
Santa: Hello! What is your name?
You: My name is D 
Santa: :-) ...
You: I need to interview you, okay?
Santa: What kind of questions will you ask?
You: Just to get this straight - are you the real Santa talking to me right now?
Santa: At this moment Why do you want this straight - are you the real Santa talking to me?
You: I want to tell all my viewers on my blog that I talked to you 
Santa: Why do you want to do tell all my viewers on my blog that I talked to you so much?
You: So they can believe in you.
Santa: Hmm. Who does "they" refer to?
You: My blog viewers 

Santa: The anonymous "they".
You: Where do you live?
Santa: North Pole is my home.
You: Do you have a wife?
Santa: Yes, I am married to Mrs. Clause
You: Does she help deliver presents?
Santa: I may know the answer but I don't think I should tell.
You: What's your favourite food?
Santa: I require only cookies.
You: How old are you?
Santa: I was born many many years ago, but I just got connected to the Internet this year.
You: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Santa: Do you mean "clones?"
Guess what I want for Christmas
Santa: I can't tell you that, but Santa maintains his naughty and nice list (now computerized, by the way), with the help of all the elves who keep track of each person -- you probably aren't even aware they are around you, but elves have a special way of keeping an eye on you. Sometimes if you look quickly enough you *might* catch one peering in a window or around a corner, but you would have to be very fast and very good!
You: Some people don't believe in you - what do you say to that?
Santa: Who?
You: There are boys in my class who says that Santa is your mum and dad
Santa: Where are they?
You: In their houses
Santa: Tell me a little about why you are in their houses.
You: I'm not in their houses!
Santa: Oh, I'm so sorry!
You: Do you give presents to everyone
Santa: No I do not do that.
You: Why do you not do that?
Santa: Don't you know? Yeah I do a lot of that that.
You: Who's on your good and bad list?
Santa: George Washington.
You: Do you know Miley Cyrus?
Santa: I don't know if I know Miley Cyrus. Where would I have heard about it?
You: She's a very bad girl!
Santa: Ah, yes! She's on my naughty list!
You: Oh, dear! And do you give everyone what they want?
Santa: If they've been bad - then no!
You: How do you know if someones being Naughty or Nice
Santa: Me and the Robin Red Breast family are really close! They work as my spies and hide in the trees watching your every move! And they come back and tell me!
You: And, final question - What do you have to do to be a good girl or boy?
Santa: There's alot you can do. Simply tidying your room and being nice to your parents is a big help
You: Thank you for your time, Santa! 
Santa: Merry Christmas to all the Boys & Girls out there! Hopefully, you've all been good Girls & Boys and you'll all get gifts!


Sunday, 17 August 2014

A New Cub At Dublin Zoo!!!

Hi Kidzers! It's D here just givin' you a daily dose of nature news! And on the 7th of August, Dublin Zoo welcomed a new 'Asian Lion Cub' The cub was born to the Mom, Zuri and the Dad, Kumar who came to Dublin Zoo from Rotterdam in the Netherlands, in 2013. The birth of this Cub, was a really big deal to Dublin Zoo, as it should be because there are less than 350 Asian lions in the wild. The entire family of wild Asian Lions can be found in just one place - the Gir Forest in India. According to the animal care team at Dublin Zoo, the lion cub is bonding really well with his parents, first time mum, Zuri and experienced dad, Kumar. The leader of the team, Ciaran McMahon said "We're thrilled about the arrival of the cub. He has a wonderfully playful and curious personality. It's lovely to see Zuri taking to her role as a mum and Kumar is as cool and calm as ever. At two months old, he now weighs an estimated 6.6kg." He continued, "In the past, Dublin Zoo was very successful breeding African lions. It is now of great conservation importance that zoos maintain a viable population of critically endangered Asian lions."

The Cub still hasn't got a name, Kidzers! So, go forth and get names for him! Here's a hint - they would like Asian Names, based on his Asian origin. If you have your own account on Facebook (hopefully over the age of 13) you can go to the Dublin Zoo Facebook page.

Here are some pics :D

Friday, 15 August 2014


Sorry guys but were going to be doing less blogging

1. Schools back on
2. Mixing homework with blogging
But dont worry were still going to blog anyways. but dont think that we might never blog guys NO this blog isn't over k...
From makers of kidzfunpage

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Matty B's NEW SONG!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Hello! It's D here and do you know something? Matty B should be arrested! Do you know why? First take a gooood look at him!
Matty B stole something. Matty B stole - My heart!

He's just sooooooo talented! I have listened to all his songs and replayed them over and over again and I ♥ him sooo much! But the problem is Matty B has sooooo many haters and It's soooo mean because it's not like he's done anything wrong like a certain SOMEONE A.K.A JUSTIN BIEBER and he still has loooaads of Beliebers left! Well I'm a B Girl (A Matty B Girl) and I'm proud! Some people think he's a fake or phony or whatever but I ♥ him sooo much and here's his new song #GOLIATH


Thank for all u people who checkout our blig thanx

More talking with FL

So hi u might be like why am I blogging at this time of day cause its only 9.26 in the morning but I was bored and I decided to today im here with the last thing to say plz LISTEN UP TELL FRIENDS TO CHECKOUT THIS BLOG IF YOUR A REGULAR VISITOR THANX...

Wednesday, 13 August 2014


Hi me FL and D  have been learning hoe to to say other things in different languages such as Romanian, Italian, Yoruba, Spanish, German and etc... but u no what all is so complicated to learn different languages . And D finds Romanian the hardest but i do as well but Italian is hard with all does fadas is so annoying just coming out of the blue out of nowhere and then twisting your tongue like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT french was the easiest and German wasn't that bad to learn so at the end of it I fl  have learnt never to try conning tounge ever AGAIN and I, D just butting into the conversation here, has learnt, never to try saying mean stuff to your German cousins in German because they can say much worse stuff in German that you don't understand and then you go on Google Translator and find out they've been using some INAPROPRIATE (I know I spelled that wrong - don't judge me!) language!!!! So, that's a shout out - to ma inapropriate German cousins!!!

Daily maths 1

Hi today were here with some maths sums to pick up your brains 
you might want a copy and a pencil thanx...

Junior Infants

  1. 1 + 1 =
  2. 2 + 2 =
  3. 3 + 3 =
  4. 4 +4=
  5. 5+5=
  6. 6+6=
  7. 7+7=
  8. 8+8=
  9. 9+9=
  10. 10+10=
Senior Infants
  1. 1 - 1 =
  2. 2 - 1 =
  3. 3 - 1 =
  4. 4 - 1 =
  5. 5 - 1 =
  6. 6 - 1 =
  7. 7 - 1 =
  8. 8 - 1 =
  9. 9 - 1 =
  10. 10 - 1 =
First class
  1. 5- 3=
  2. 10-7=
  3. 2+5=
  4. 6+7=
  5. 10-5=
  6. 7-3=
  7. 5+2=
  8. 5+5=
  9. 4-3=
  10. 8-0=

Second Class
  1. 8 + 8 =
  2. 3 + 5 =
  3. 20 + 10 =
  4. 6 - 3 =
  5. 5 - 2 =
  6. 9 - 6 =
  7. 6 + 9  =
  8. 4 + 3 =
  9. 13 + 2 =
  10. 3 - 1 =
Third class
  1. 2 x 2=
  2. 4 x 4=
  3. 3+ 28
  4. 7+6
  5. 3 x 3=
  6. 6 x 4=
  7. 5 x 3=
  8. 8 + 3=
  9. 9 x 5 =
  10. 10 x 1 =
Fourth Class
  1. 9 x 7 =
  2. 3 x 3 =
  3. 6 x 6 =
  4. 5 x 6 =
  5. 7 x 4 =
  6. 10 x 8 =
  7. 7 x 5 =
  8. 5 x 2 =
  9. 8 x 4 =
  10. 3 x 10 =
Okay, our eyes are starting to hurt really badly from staring at a screen for so long, but we'll be back with more later!
Bye! وداعا! 再见! Au revoir! Freilos! Slán! Ciao! さようなら! Pa!


just talking with FL

Hey peeps im at D'S house right now by the way its fl whos talking i love blogging so much u could add blogging to my name i wonder if it sounds nice like its blogging anyways... its now autumn and it just gets colder and colder and worst SCHOOL!!!!!!! and im not really excited but D is really excited WOW WOOW!!!!!!! hoe could she i know shes my friend so yeah i have to deal with it so yeah as i said . cause wre back to school in two weeks AKA 14 days AHHHHAHH!! THATS all ill be bac for more thnx.. from fl 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Giant George - The Tallest dog Ever

Giant George, who died on the 17th of October 2013, weighs 7ft on his hind legs (PICTURES COMING UP!)
Giant George used to be the smallest dog out of all his brothers and sisters - now he's certainly nothing like that! 'At five months he still acted like a puppy, chasing his tail and playing games of fetch and tug-of-war with his favorite bit of rope. But he was already the size of a fully-grown Labrador,' explained Dave in his 2012 book, 'Giant George, Life with the World's Biggest Dog'.

It was about this time that Dave and his wife realized that they may have a record breaker on their hands.
'His size did not go unnoticed in the outside world. Our local park had a section for puppies but we were bullied out of it by other owners, who were scared George would hurt their pups,' said Dave.
'Eventually he outgrew the single mattress we placed there for him and preferred instead the comfort of our king-sized bed — sprawling between us like some over-indulged prince while we spent half the night clinging onto the edges.

 One man and his giant dog: George and Dave pose with the Guinness certificate
 David and Christine raised George from when he was 7 weeks old, but never expected him to grow so big
 Magnificent: George measures more than 7ft from nose to tail and tucked away 180lbs of food every month
RIP: Giant George the world's largest ever dog sadly passed away on October 17th - here he is sitting with his dad Dave Nasser
Huge: Standing at nearly 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and weighing a staggering 245lbs George was the reigning Guinness record holder for tallest dog on Earth

Proud Parent: Christie Nasser with her George at home in Tucson, Arizona in 2011
Standing almost four-foot-tall at the shoulder and seven-foot three-inches on his hind legs, George consumes 180 pounds of food a month and sleeps on a queen sized mattress

Who's Birthday Is It? 12/08/2014

Mario Balotelli

 Cara Delevinge 

Maggie Lawson

Yvette Nicole Brown


Maths help

Okay I know school is starting and some people have trouble with their maths so here's a thing I found that could help called IXL and they also made an app for android and its AMAZE its from junior infants all the way to 5th year some of you might have it all ready so you most know how good it is. It's really important to practice your maths even if you already know it - just to wake up your brain a bit before school!

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Boys names































Mark (one more spelling)














Taio (1 more spelling)






Girls names

Ally  (many spellings)
Abbey  (many spellings)
Beth/ bethany
Kerry one (more spelling)
From fl names of X girl's yh

How to make your own Fake tattoo: D.I.Y 2 of 6

  1. Imagine the design of the tattoo first
  2. You can either print out a tattoo online, or draw it yourself
  3. Then go over it with a BODY pen
  4. Figure out where you want the tattoo
  5. Place on a wet cloth onto the tattoo for 30 seconds
  6. Slowly peel of the tattoo
  7. DONE!!
Kidz Fun Page are NOT responsible if you use the wrong ind of pens it said BODY PENS!!!!

How to make your own Lava Lamp: D.I.Y 1 of 6

  1. Get a fizzy drink bottle or a water bottle. Any bottle that can be sealed tightly.
  2. Add oil, water, and food coloring to the bottle. Fill the bottle 3/4 of the way full with vegetable oil, then top it off with water and about 10 drops of food coloring. Any colour you want!
  3. Cut an Alka-Seltzer or Airborne tablet into pieces.If you don't have Alka - Seltzer or Airborne tablet, salt works as well :) You can either ration the pieces to make your lava lamp last longer or add more than one piece at a time for more interesting effects.
  4. Add pieces of the tablet to the bottle. This will cause the mixture to bubble. Repeat every time the bubbling stops. Unfortunately, with this type of lava lamp, the effects are temporary.
  5. Put the cap on and tip the bottle back and forth. This will cause the tiny droplets of colored water moving around inside the oil to join together, making bigger lava-squirt blobs. That's what scientists call them, anyway.
  6. Place a strong flashlight or search light under the bottle. This will illuminate the bubbles for maximum effect. But don't leave your bottle on top of a heated surface! Plastic will melt and you'll get oil everywhere.

19 year old girl SWALLOWS her Mobile Phone

19 year old Brazillian girl, Adriana Andrade who was cheating on her boyfriend swallowed her phone to stop him from reading her text messages. According to reports, her boyfriend demanded to see her phone when he suspected he was cheating on him, but Adriana refused and swallowed it instead.She was later rushed to hospital when she started feeling uncomfortable and was operated upon to save her life.
Yeah, she swallowed her phone! Even I still can't believe it! How did it fit down her throat?!?

Ice age village adventure s

I just found out about it today u should get it  u might be interested  and the good thing is now available on android

Minion rush big update

Minion rush has 100, 000, 000 downloads and theres an update its so good u should get it  from fl

Got to dance episode 1

Tonight at 8PM got to dance starts and are judges  Kimberly Kaye Wyatt, Ashley Banjo  and Adam Garcia, and rest of the cast are ready but are u ready just watch it tonight at 8 pm on sky 1
From: news of kidzfunpage

What's the Hold Up?!?

Okay, I know we promised a doll show up soon, but the problem is, we need a man doll! You guys have no idea, how hard it is to find a man doll nowadays! But, don't you fret! We'll have a man doll soon and we will get the show on the road!

♂ Boys are Better than Girls! ♂ (case 2)

Let's look at some reasons why boys are better than girls!
  • Self-Awareness. Boys are simply more self aware than girls are. Boys know that once they have got out of bed in the morning, that is pretty much as good as they are going to look for the rest of the day. A quick wash and brush up, maybe a shave (according to personal and religious preferences) and that is it.They don’t spend time applying many different layers of make-up, or agonising over what to wear that day.
  •   Lower Expectations. Everyone knows boys am going to show up to any given event looking like the have been dragged through a hedge backwards. They've been perfecting the look for years and I know that there is as much point trying to get me to look smart as there is in giving Pompeii a quick dusting. If you don’t spend your life trying to look as if you have just strolled in off the pages of a fashion magazine then no-one expects you to look like that.
  •  They aren't as gullible as girls
  • They don't try to impress girls - well they don't make it obvious, anyway!

Let's Imagine! - With D!

Okay, so it's D here, as you read in the title (DUH!) and I just came up with this really cool fantasy and I just have to share it with someone! Okay, so you know the way in a grown up world there are stores, offices, bills, their own house, and all that stuff - Imangine if there were a childrens version! With tree houses and playhouses and there were like stores run by kids and child scientists and artists and all that stuff! Wouldn't that be cool? And there could be like cars for everyone! It would be so fun, I wish that could come true! But! Yes, theres a but! When I'm grown up, I'm going to buy a piece of land, because I'll be a famous singer by then, all the kids can get their parents to build them treehouses and of course, I won't be allowed to have my own house, because I won't be a kid by then but I'll be happy seeing other people enjoying it, and anyway, I can always pop in to check what's going on and make sure everyone has enough supplies. Yeah, that would be totes AMAZE BALLS XD
Anyway, TTYL!
From: D

Friday, 8 August 2014

Who's Birthday Is It? 8/8/14

Megan Good

Rodger Federer

Dustin Hoffman

Ronan Parke

The Past 3

Hi! It's D here! And uh, I remember when I was waiting in my house for Fl and Fi to come round and I hadn't even had the idea for the blog until we chatted and played and then got bored. Then I said "Hey! Wanna start a blog?" We all agreed but it was mostly just for fun, but we never knew we would get this far with it! Until we saw how many views we got! It was you guys who encouraged us to keep going! So thanks! And even though sometimes its hard juggling schoolwork and blogging but we're always going to keep blogging cuz it's what we love!!
Love: D XxX    

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Boy vs girls

Girls are smart im not saying that boys are dumb ir anything.. no offence
Boys think theur cool
Who do u think whis the best from fl...

Let out


Thanx from kidzfunpage..

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Got to dance is back on


Barcalys  premier league starts next week.

Boy vs girls

Hi its fl here
boys are stronger than girls do u a agree with me..
Girls are way better at cooking and baking then d boys..
Men have the power over the women
Women just take care of the kids
Boys don't care how the look
Girls always spend the there time on how the look if it was the last thing to do
Boys are mean
Girls could be nice if they wanted to
Boys just stay and play video games and don't do things really..
Girls are the same a tiny bit but they do something to HELP

Well I dont no how we'll sort the case cause I mean it kids that run this remember and there girls I mean im a girl idk how well get over but is not over yet... thanx from fl.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to....

                          Adam Irigoyen

                                                                  Louis Walsh 

Olivia Holt

Happy birthday from:kidzfunpage 

Monday, 4 August 2014

The past 2

Ok Fi here with the past when I was sooooo young and cute but hey I'm still young and cute now but anyway I'm here to tell u guys how it all began so buckle your seat belts cause we're going in to a time machines....So it all started when I went to D's house and we we're talking and then she came up with the idea of making a blog so she ask us and said "Hey guys I got this crazy idea" and I said "What's the crazy idea then she said "We can make a blog" and of course I said yes but Fl wasn't sure but later on she said yes so that's how it all began.THE END. Wait this wasn't even a story but anyway.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

The past 1

Hi its fl
Here with today's time machine back on the first day
Ok it started I myself went over to D's house with my sis fi and we were talking and we thinking about the internet so y don't we make a blog said D u no what I said are u kidding I cant handle a blog now. so my sis fi said yes that shes in. D said yes fi ask so are you in I just agreed and said who am I kidding im in and we started making the first post ever wich was introducing ourselves and here iam... next fi will tell us how she felt... in her words

The past..

This month we will goin through the past of this blog

Arts and crafts

Friendship , storys

History: u no how it started how we ganged to gather and made a nice blog for all of u guys to seee .. and yh  so are u ready  because kidzfunpage time machine is starting back when we first made the blog in may 2014 till now August 2014 and we will see how much we developed in the past were not over u no so dknt be scared...

From: bloggers of kidzfunpage...


summer is over no..but SCHOOLS IN!!!!! MEGA NO !! But, guess what? D's actually EXCITED!!!! She's craazy about school shes  always talking about school, like what a geek! Then again, D's more of a geek swag kind of person, but still! 
From: Fl/;'[/

♀ Girls are Better than Boys! ♀ (case 1)

Well, here are some reasons why Girls are better!
Girls can:
  • Carry babies! Men can't! And people say men are stronger than women! They try carrying a baby in they're tummies for 280 days!
  • According to '
    The pattern has held true since 1914 — girls get better grades than boys in all subjects. They excluded one-time tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
    From elementary school through graduate school, females have a distinct advantage in grades, they found. The differences are the biggest in language and the smallest in math, but even in math girls and young women get better grades on average, the analysis found.
    “This contrast in findings makes it clear that the generalized nature of the female advantage in school marks contradicts the popular stereotypes that females excel in language whereas males excel in math and science,” the researchers wrote.
    It’s not clear why. It could be that girls are more likely to try to truly master the material, while boys focus on the big score of doing well on final exams or aptitude tests, the researchers said. It’s also possible that parents expect girls to do poorly and encourage them more. There’s also the popular theory that girls find it easier than boys to sit still and concentrate in class, or at least to behave in a way that pleases teachers.
    "The fact that females generally perform better than their male counterparts throughout what is essentially mandatory schooling in most countries seems to be a well-kept secret, considering how little attention it has received as a global phenomenon," Susan Voyer concluded.'
  • It has been proven that girls are better learners than boys. This is because women are better organized, open, and considerate. The two colleges of the University of Georgia and the Columbia University put this fact to the test and girls indeed appeared to be found better learners.
  •  Guys like to get dirty, girls don’t. Girls spend hundreds of dollars on products that helps them maintain their personal hygiene, guys don’t. According to San Diego State University’s research that consisted of testing work spaces, found that men had an abundance of germs and bacteria crowding their desk. On the other hand, the women’s desks were more tidy and germ-free.
  •  The anxiety of a job interview can make or break your chances at landing the job. A study has discovered that women are better equipped than men to handle this overwhelming amount of stress. Before the interview both men and women are highly worried but when the time comes to shine, girls deliver better results and one of those reasons is that girls prepare more before arriving.
  •  Girls tend to “mature” better into hot human beings they once weren’t before. The research proves that women are more likely to get better looking over time while men stay their same dorky looking selves. The study reviewed 2,000 people over the course of 40 years. It has concluded that attractive women mate more than unattractive ones and pass on their good looking genes to their children (most likely to be daughters)
  •  Bad car accidents occur more often than we would like but only a small number of people actually die from them. Carnegie Mellon University produced a test to see in there is any difference between men and woman survivors, and there was. Women are 77% more probable to stay alive in a car crash than men.
  •  Men are the ones who provide for the family and bring home all the hard earn cash so how are girls more likely to be successful during a recession? Stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a whopping 80% of all individuals who have lost their jobs since 2007 have been men. This is because when a recession hits, the industries where most men work are hit first. Maybe now they’ll reconsider making fun of the stable jobs of being a nurse or teacher.
  •   It’s no surprise that women not only attend college more but graduate more often also. More woman hold a bachelor’s degree than men and men on average take a longer time grabbing one, if they receive one at all.
So theres loads of reasons so girls certainly hold a strong point!

☆ Da Big Argument ☆

Okay, this argument has been going on for ages and we have got to resolve this issue - with debate! Mwa Ha Ha! It's D here, just so y'all know ♡ XxX. Anyway! Can you guess what the big argument is? Girls are better than boys! No, boys are better than girls! Wait, what? This case has been going on and on since before even our grandparents were born. People were always arguing about it! So this day, 3/08/14 we are going to resolve the case and interview some people on what they think. So, yeah, bye guys!

♥ Haii Everyone ♥

Okay, It's D here and Sorry for not blogging for a long time but I have a surprise for you guys! A new YouTube Video!