Sunday, 17 August 2014

A New Cub At Dublin Zoo!!!

Hi Kidzers! It's D here just givin' you a daily dose of nature news! And on the 7th of August, Dublin Zoo welcomed a new 'Asian Lion Cub' The cub was born to the Mom, Zuri and the Dad, Kumar who came to Dublin Zoo from Rotterdam in the Netherlands, in 2013. The birth of this Cub, was a really big deal to Dublin Zoo, as it should be because there are less than 350 Asian lions in the wild. The entire family of wild Asian Lions can be found in just one place - the Gir Forest in India. According to the animal care team at Dublin Zoo, the lion cub is bonding really well with his parents, first time mum, Zuri and experienced dad, Kumar. The leader of the team, Ciaran McMahon said "We're thrilled about the arrival of the cub. He has a wonderfully playful and curious personality. It's lovely to see Zuri taking to her role as a mum and Kumar is as cool and calm as ever. At two months old, he now weighs an estimated 6.6kg." He continued, "In the past, Dublin Zoo was very successful breeding African lions. It is now of great conservation importance that zoos maintain a viable population of critically endangered Asian lions."

The Cub still hasn't got a name, Kidzers! So, go forth and get names for him! Here's a hint - they would like Asian Names, based on his Asian origin. If you have your own account on Facebook (hopefully over the age of 13) you can go to the Dublin Zoo Facebook page.

Here are some pics :D

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