Sunday, 3 August 2014

♀ Girls are Better than Boys! ♀ (case 1)

Well, here are some reasons why Girls are better!
Girls can:
  • Carry babies! Men can't! And people say men are stronger than women! They try carrying a baby in they're tummies for 280 days!
  • According to '
    The pattern has held true since 1914 — girls get better grades than boys in all subjects. They excluded one-time tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
    From elementary school through graduate school, females have a distinct advantage in grades, they found. The differences are the biggest in language and the smallest in math, but even in math girls and young women get better grades on average, the analysis found.
    “This contrast in findings makes it clear that the generalized nature of the female advantage in school marks contradicts the popular stereotypes that females excel in language whereas males excel in math and science,” the researchers wrote.
    It’s not clear why. It could be that girls are more likely to try to truly master the material, while boys focus on the big score of doing well on final exams or aptitude tests, the researchers said. It’s also possible that parents expect girls to do poorly and encourage them more. There’s also the popular theory that girls find it easier than boys to sit still and concentrate in class, or at least to behave in a way that pleases teachers.
    "The fact that females generally perform better than their male counterparts throughout what is essentially mandatory schooling in most countries seems to be a well-kept secret, considering how little attention it has received as a global phenomenon," Susan Voyer concluded.'
  • It has been proven that girls are better learners than boys. This is because women are better organized, open, and considerate. The two colleges of the University of Georgia and the Columbia University put this fact to the test and girls indeed appeared to be found better learners.
  •  Guys like to get dirty, girls don’t. Girls spend hundreds of dollars on products that helps them maintain their personal hygiene, guys don’t. According to San Diego State University’s research that consisted of testing work spaces, found that men had an abundance of germs and bacteria crowding their desk. On the other hand, the women’s desks were more tidy and germ-free.
  •  The anxiety of a job interview can make or break your chances at landing the job. A study has discovered that women are better equipped than men to handle this overwhelming amount of stress. Before the interview both men and women are highly worried but when the time comes to shine, girls deliver better results and one of those reasons is that girls prepare more before arriving.
  •  Girls tend to “mature” better into hot human beings they once weren’t before. The research proves that women are more likely to get better looking over time while men stay their same dorky looking selves. The study reviewed 2,000 people over the course of 40 years. It has concluded that attractive women mate more than unattractive ones and pass on their good looking genes to their children (most likely to be daughters)
  •  Bad car accidents occur more often than we would like but only a small number of people actually die from them. Carnegie Mellon University produced a test to see in there is any difference between men and woman survivors, and there was. Women are 77% more probable to stay alive in a car crash than men.
  •  Men are the ones who provide for the family and bring home all the hard earn cash so how are girls more likely to be successful during a recession? Stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a whopping 80% of all individuals who have lost their jobs since 2007 have been men. This is because when a recession hits, the industries where most men work are hit first. Maybe now they’ll reconsider making fun of the stable jobs of being a nurse or teacher.
  •   It’s no surprise that women not only attend college more but graduate more often also. More woman hold a bachelor’s degree than men and men on average take a longer time grabbing one, if they receive one at all.
So theres loads of reasons so girls certainly hold a strong point!

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